Who is Elijah?

From the collective of Martius and Mother Nature, during the melting snows by the roadside streams, where snowdrops began to come to life, Elijah was born. She was given a magic box containing a light and a mirror, and was told: "Go, child of god, create and commemorate the beauty of this world.”

Elijah set out on a long journey with the mission entrusted to her. She joined Cornell University's special forces, where she was taught by the best in the field and expanded the techniques of freezing fleeting moments with her magical tool. After arduous expeditions in search of beautiful moments to capture and hours spent on the electronic knowledge book, Elijah went on her way.
In the southern part of Germania, with the possession of previously learned abilities, she was ready to immortalize souls walking on this patch of earth, because like Mother Nature she loved all creatures, as well as inanimate nature and all objects serving them in their daily life.